How to Use this Bujinkan Platform

After nearly five years of existence, it was time to upgrade our streaming platform. It's done!

The new Koi Martial art platform doesn't replace your teacher It is a dynamic library of all the techniques of the Bujinkan. Here you will find around 2000 videos covering everything from basics to advanced techniques.
 To make it easier for you on your phone, tablet, or computer we have divided these techniques into five categories:

Basics and Fundamentals

This part covers the Ten Ryaku no Maki, Chi Ryaku no Maki, and the Jin Ryaku no Maki. We have also added the necessary forms for each primary weapon of the Bujinkan: Tantō, Kunai, Shotō, Hanbō, Jō, Bō, Yari, Naginata, and sword.

Kyū Program and Modules

In this section, you find the nine training modules allowing you aquire the basics of the Bujinkan and to reach Shōdan (black belt). They are composed of the techniques found in "Basics", but rearranged pedagogically. The nine modules are:

  • Basics #1 / Taijutsu
  • Basics #2 / Taijutsu
  • Basics #3 / Taijutsu
  • Waza #1 / Jin part 1
  • Waza #2 / Jin part 2
  • Buki #1 / Hanbō - Tantō
  • Buki #2 / Shotō - Kunai - Jutte - Sword
  • Buki #3 / Bō - Jō
  • Buki #4 / Yari - Naginata

Fighting Systems

You find here all the Waza of the Bujinkan schools:

  • Koto Ryū
  • Gyokko Ryū
  • Shinden Fudō Ryū
  • Takagi Yōshin Ryū
  • Kukishinden Ryū
  • Togakure Ryū


ALL weapons taught by Sensei since the 80s' are there. They complete the basic forms explained in the first categories and contain Tantō, Kunai, Shotō, Hanbō, Jō, Bō, Yari, Naginata, Kukishin Biken Jutsu and Tokagure Ninja Biken. This category also includes Tachi Waza (long sword), Tsurugi (Chinese sword), Nawa Jutsu (rope) and Manriki Gusari (weighted chain).


This part is dedicated to the superior understanding of our art. Since 2003, Hatsumi Sensei has been teaching the feeling of Juppō Sesshō. Entering the philosophy field of action, this is the next step to master once you have acquired the biomechanical aspects of the Waza. Here are explained: Sanjigen no Sekai (2003), Yūgen no Sekai (2004), Kasumi no Hō (2005), Shizen (2006), Kuki Taishō (2007), and Menkyō Kaiden (2008). Other themes of the year will follow.

This platform is accessible directly from your phone, tablet and PC or Mac and is your permanent source for training. If it doesn't replace your regular training with your teacher - it is a great tool to improve your skills rapidly.

Arnaud Cousergue
Bujinkan Dai Shihan