Become a member of our community!
Why becoming a member? Because it is the best for you!
You came here to visit us because you are committed and eager to improve your knowledge. The best is to go to Japan on a regular basis to learn directly from the source. Not every Bujinkan practitioner can do that.
Over the last 30 years, I visited Hatsumi Sensei two to three times a year and with him, I understood many things that I couldn't find out training on my own.Learning is a very long process and requires a lot of time and effort. Technical manuals are helping, but they do not replace a direct physical experience you have when you meet your teacher.
Videos are a little better in the sense that you see the technique that, otherwise, in a manual, you have to guess when reading. There are 2000 techniques here waiting for you. They are my interpretation of what I have been learning since 1984. They are not the answer - they are a possible answer. Use them to refresh your memory or to get the general feeling and understanding.
In Japan, the Japanese Shihan read the techniques from the Denshō when they teach. And each time they give a different vision of these techniques which they have been repeating for more than fifty years. Use Koi as your video notebook, and from there develop your Taijutsu.
Why becoming a member? Because it will help you improve!
Content Included

Theme 2008 - Menkyō Kaiden


Bō Jutsu Kukishin Ryū I
Kamae, Bō no Uchi, Bō no Kihon Gata & Shōden no Kata

Shinden Fudō Ryū I
Ten Ryaku no Maki & Chi Ryaku no Maki


Theme 2007 - Kuki Taishō


Theme 2006 - Shizen


Theme 2005 - Kasumi no Hō


Theme 2004 - Yūgen no Sekai


Theme 2003 - Sanjigen no Sekai


Bō Jutsu Kukishin Ryū II
Chūden no Kata, Okuden no Kata & Keiko Sabaki Gata


Yari Jutsu Kukishin Ryū I
Kamae, Yari no Kihon, Keiko Gata, Kaisetsu Waza


Yari Jutsu Kukishin Ryū II
Gokui Gata, Menkyo Kaiden, Sanshin no Kata


Hanbō Jutsu I
Kamae, Uke Nagashi, Against Fist Attack


Hanbō Jutsu II
Against: Kick, Wrist Holding, Sleeve and Lapel Holding, Seizure from Behind


Hanbō Jutsu III
Against Stick Holding, Katame Waza / Immobilizations, Advanced/Shōden, Bonus


Manriki Gusari


Nawa Jutsu




Tachi Waza


Tsurugi / Chinese Ken


Kukishin Biken Jutsu


Togakure Ninja Biken

Shinden Fudō Ryū II
Jin Ryaku no Maki & Bonus Kihon Happō

Togakure Ryū
Tonsō no Kata

Takagi Yōshin Ryū I
Kamae & Shōden

Takagi Yōshin Ryū II

Takagi Yōshin Ryū III
Okuden & Bonus - Kihon Happō

Koto Ryū I
Kamae, Atemi & Shōden no Kata

Koto Ryū II
Chūden no Kata, Okuden no Kata, Hekito no Kata & Kaiden no Kata

Kukishin Ryū I
Kamae, Shōden Gata & Chūden Gata

Kukishin Ryū II
Sabaki Gata, Okuden Gata & Shirabe Moguri Gata

Gyokko Ryū I
Kihon Happō & Ten Ryaku

Gyokko Ryū II
Chi Ryaku, Jin Ryaku & Sanshin no Kata


Ten Ryaku no Maki I
TCJ - Kamae & Taihen Jutsu Ukemi Gata


Ten Ryaku no Maki II
TCJ - Uke Nagashi, Tsuki, Tai Sabaki, Mutō Dori Gata, Sanshin no Kata, Kihon Happō & Hōken Jū Roppō


Ten Ryaku no Maki III
TCJ - Kyūsho


Chi Ryaku no Maki I
TCJ - Hajutsu Kyū Hō, Torite Kihon Dori no Kata, Happō Keri Henka & Gyaku Waza


Chi Ryaku no Maki II
TCJ - Nage Waza, Shime Waza & Keri Waza


Jin Ryaku no Maki I
TCJ - Suwari Gata, Tsuki/Keri Gata, Keri ni Taishite & Shime Gaeshi


Jin Ryaku no Maki II
TCJ - Torite Gata, Nage Kaeshi, Mutō Dori Gata, Haibu Yori & Tonso no Kata


Buki - Hanbō & Tantō


Buki - Kunai, Shotō & Biken


Buki - Bō & Jō


Buki - Yari & Naginata


Module Basics I


Module Basics II


Module Basics III


Module Waza I


Module Waza II


Module Hanbō & Tantō


Module Kunai (Jutte), Shotō & Biken


Module Bō & Jō


Module Yari & Naginata

Uke Nagashi to Tai Sabaki
How to block in a good distance

Dōjō Tips and Tricks
Here you find insights to help your everyday practice.

Mutō Dori - August 2017
Mutō Dori feeling from Japan classes

Bujinkan Library
PDFs for your training practice

Sven in India February 2018
Class in Bangalore with Shiva and the Bujinkan India group
Talks on Budō
Recorded interviews on Budō

Interviews on Budō
Understanding Budō

Jojutsu 1997
Oldies but goodies

The origins of Budō
Helsinki 2018
Togakure Happō Biken (Helsinki August 2018)

Kunai and Shotō (Juppō Sesshō 2003)
Sanjigen no Sekai - Year #1 of the Juppō Sesshō series.

Amatsu Tatara
Taikai 1999 - Special class on Amatsu Tatara by Hatsumi Sensei

Gyokushin Ryū (uploaded Feb 2019) Spanish language
Discover the spirit of Gyokushin Ryū (Spanish)